A simple open source forum system can be enough simetng like php-bb
example: warez-bb.org
the installation of such system is like 1 hour of work.
In my point of view something like stack overflow is the best but i'm not sure if it's open source.

ב אפר׳ 22, 2017 22:15, David G. Johnston כתב:
On Sat, Apr 22, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Ron Ben <ronb...@walla.co.il> wrote:
Why to use mailining list rather than forum?
forum gives much more flexablitiy, easy to read and respond, allows to search for other simillar issues, topics can be tagged...

​Was this intended to display irony re: "allows to search for other similar issues"?​

"browser interface to forums please?"

​David J.

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