9.5 both

But the enable always trigger I missed that

Once that set it runs

Thank you for your help


On May 9, 2017, at 8:26 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:

> On 05/08/2017 08:31 PM, Armand Pirvu (home) wrote:
>> My bad
>> db1 I have two tables t1 and t2 (or more)
>> db2 has one table t3 for example which can get data aggregated from one or 
>> more multiple tables from the above set . I can updates/inserts/deletes in 
>> db1.t1 and/or db1.t2 which combined may mean related data in db.t3 would 
>> need to be inserted/deleted/updated. Think of it like ETL processing if you 
>> will. This is what I mean by data massaging/transformation
>> db1 and db2 are two different servers.
> What are the Postgres versions?
>> So I was initially thinking that I can have on db2 the same set of tables 
>> from db1, replication being done using pglogical. Once data gets to db2 t1 
>> and t2, I can have on db2 a set of functions/triggers which can transform 
>> the data and as such do the relevant inserts/updates/delete from db2.t3
>> Apparently though that is not possible unless I am missing something
> Probably this:
> https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/resources/pglogical/pglogical-docs/
> "4.11 Triggers
> Apply process and the initial COPY process both run with 
> session_replication_role set to replica which means that ENABLE REPLICA and 
> ENABLE ALWAYS triggers will be fired."
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/sql-altertable.html
>  ...  The trigger firing mechanism is also affected by the configuration 
> variable session_replication_role. Simply enabled triggers will fire when the 
> replication role is "origin" (the default) or "local". Triggers configured as 
> ENABLE REPLICA will only fire if the session is in "replica" mode, and 
> triggers configured as ENABLE ALWAYS will fire regardless of the current 
> replication mode.
> ...
> "
> So did you ENABLE REPLICA or ALWAYS on the db2 table triggers?
>> I reached that conclusion by using a trigger and a function like the 
>> auditing one to track insers/updates/deletes in an audit table
>> Having these said I was thinking
>> (a) -
>> On db1 I will have the t3 table as is on dsb2. All data transformation goes 
>> into db1.t3 which on it's turn will replicate to db2.t3 using pglogical
>> (b) -
>> On db2 I will have the t1 t2 as they are on db1. Those are replicated using 
>> Slony/Bucardo. Once data lands on db2.t1 and db2.t2 another set of 
>> triggers/functions responsible for data transformation will do the 
>> inserts/deletes/updates in db2.t3
>> I wold much prefer pglogical approach as stated in the what I see as a 
>> failed case
>> If the only options is Slony/Bucardo , so be it. but that begs the following 
>> questions
>> - which one has the smallest overhead ?
>> - which one is the easiest to manage ?
>> - which one is the most reliable ?
>> - I recall data transformation can be used in Bucardo but did not see any 
>> examples on that. Any pointers ?
>> Thanks
>> Armand
>> On May 8, 2017, at 4:49 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com 
>> <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>> wrote:
>>> On 05/08/2017 12:46 PM, Armand Pirvu (home) wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Here it is a scenario which I am faced with  and I am hoping to find a 
>>>> pointer/tip/help
>>>> db1 is the OLTP system
>>>> db2 is the Reporting system
>>>> The data from db1 needs to get to db2, but the database on those two have 
>>>> tables with different layout/structure and hence data will need to suffer 
>>>> some transformation in between in real time
>>>> I was looking at something like
>>>> db1 -> db2 replicates the same set of tables and with the same structures 
>>>> using pglogical for example
>>>> db2.tbl1 -> db2.tbl2 data gets massages/transformed based on what 
>>>> replicates from db1.tbl1 using triggers and functions
>>>> Other than that I reckon db1 -> db2 would be trigger based using something 
>>>> like slonik maybe (?) and data massage/transformation gets moved from db2 
>>>> to db1 machine and then db1.tbl2 -> db2.tbl2 using pglogical
>>> I was following you until the last part, "... moved from db2 to db1 machine 
>>> and then db1.tbl2 -> db2.tbl2 ..."
>>> Is this correct?
>>> If so why db1 --> db2 --> db1 --> db2?
>>> A complete answer is going to depend on at least an outline of what you 
>>> mean by massage/transform?
>>>> Is this doable ? If so any pointers as to where to look about it ?
>>>> Many thanks
>>>> Armand
>>> --
>>> Adrian Klaver
>>> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>
> -- 
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

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