> The biggest problem is that I was out in the Sun too long today and was
> not paying attention to what you posted.  This part:
> PATH=/usr/local/pgsql96/bin:$PATH
> is from how I installed various versions of Postgres from source on my
> machine. My guess is it does not match your setup. You need to find where
> pg_config is for your 9.6 install and use that path.
Egads, my bad for not catching that path.  Works fine with adding the
(actually-existing) /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin to the path.  Thanks so much for
your help!

Can I also ask y'all a more general question about this, specifically
related to how Postgres is packaged for RHEL/Centos?  I've got both 9.6 and
9.2 installed.  In this case though, it seems that the 9.2 version is
privileged/selected by default.  But psql defaults to the 9.6 version.  Are
there other similar things that will default to either 9.2 or 9.6?  And if
so, what controls that behavior, is it easily-changeable, and/or can you go
back and forth?

I've never tried running two versions at once before.  Maybe this is an
isolated incident, but I'm just trying to get my mind around the concept,
and know what kind of pitfalls if any to expect or beware of.  Thanks!


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