I see says the blind man

Looked in the code

and correct the syntax and ran on subscriber

all good

> On Aug 10, 2017, at 12:29 PM, armand pirvu <armand.pi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks
> A question about pglogical sync
> I have a setup with a schema named myschema.
> All works well but looking at sync
> pglogical.alter_subscription_resynchronize_table(subscription_name name, 
> relation regclass) 
> Resynchronize one existing table. WARNING: This function will truncate the 
> table first.
> Parameters:
> subscription_name - name of the existing subscription
> relation - name of existing table, optionally qualified
> How exactly to you run this ? What am I missing ?
> testrep=# select 
> pglogical.alter_subscription_resynchronize_table(subscription_name := 
> 'mysubscription', 'myschema.tbl1');
> ERROR:  positional argument cannot follow named argument
> LINE 1: ...nize_table(subscription_name := 'mysubscription', 'myschema....
>                                                              ^
> testrep=# select 
> pglogical.alter_subscription_resynchronize_table(subscription_name := 
> 'mysubscription', 'myschema.tbl1'::regclass);
> ERROR:  positional argument cannot follow named argument
> LINE 1: ...nize_table(subscription_name := 'mysubscription', 'myschema....
> Thanks for help
> Armand

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