Hi Dieter,

Yes, definitely interested.

What I will do is forward your email to the guys in the PostgreSQL
mailing lists, as it's those guys who would probably make a mirror or
your packages for everyone to use if they like it.

The other thing I can do is make a link to your packages from the
techdocs.postgresql.org website, and I'll also ask you for some

Alexander Lohse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has put together his notes on
installing PostgreSQL on MacOS X at
If you can work with him on suggestions for expanding, improving, and
updating those notes, that will be a really great contribution.

Thanks heaps for your time and effort Dieter.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

> Dear,
> i have sucessfully configure, compile, check (make check), install, create database 
>and dbuser without any problems on MacOS X 10.0.1 (Darwin 1.3). Simple tests on a 
>database was successfully, too!
> Also, i have made PHP4.04pl1 (with own made patches for work-around Darwins 
>"mktime()"; see PHP-bugtraq 8828) as a loadable file for apache. It will tested 
>together at the next few days!
> I have made a MacOSX like Package file ("Postgresql.pkg") to easy install postgres 
>on MacOSX at "/usr/local/pgsql" (there will install a short README how to continue 
>the installation; create "postgres" user, initdb, ...).
> Do you interest in this package?
> http://home.t-online.de/home/dieter.fiebelkorn/postgresql/Postgresql.pkg.tgz
> PHP4 with mktime()-patch, MySQL, PostgreSQL, OpenBase:
> http://home.t-online.de/home/dieter.fiebelkorn/postgresql/libphp4.pkg.tgz
>  Ciao
> Dieter

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
     - Indira Gandhi

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