On 25 August 2017 at 13:48, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> How complex is "complex"?  I can think of two likely scenarios:
> 1. You've stumbled across some kind of memory-leak bug in Postgres.
> 2. The query's just using too much memory.  In this connection, it's
> not good that you've got
>> work_mem = 2GB
> Remember that "work_mem" is "work memory per plan node", so a complex
> query could easily chew up a multiple of that number --- and that's
> with everything going according to plan.  If, say, the planner
> underestimates the number of table entries involved in a hash
> aggregation, the actual consumption might be much larger.
> My first move would be to reduce work_mem by an order of magnitude
> or two.  If that doesn't help, check the plan for the view's query
> and see if it contains any hash aggregation steps --- if so, does
> "set enable_hashagg = off" help?  (Also, make sure the view's input
> tables have been ANALYZEd recently.)
> If none of that helps, we should investigate the memory-leak-bug
> theory.  One thing you could do in that direction is to run
> the postmaster with a "ulimit -v" size less than what will trigger
> the ire of the OOM killer, so that the query encounters a normal
> ENOMEM error rather than SIGKILL when it's eaten too much memory.
> That should result in it dumping a memory consumption map to stderr,
> which would give some clue where the problem is.  We'd need to see
> that map as well as details about your query to make progress.

Thanks Tom and Christoph Moench-Tegeder.

I first tried to refresh it after bringing down the work_mem to 1 GB.
It failed again.
The main source of this query (doing a lot of calculations) is another
Materialized View
with more than 700 million records. I then analyzed that MV and this
morning the good news was:

# REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW wos_2017_1.citation_window_mv ;
Time: 27128469.899 ms

Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

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