
Thanks for your response!

Concerto GR
Mobile: 612.208.6601

Concerto - a composition for orchestra and a soloist

> On 28Aug, 2017, at 5:36 PM, David G. Johnston <david.g.johns...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 1:28 PM, Jerry Regan 
> <jerry.re...@concertoglobalresources.com 
> <mailto:jerry.re...@concertoglobalresources.com>> wrote:
> My concern is how, after LISTENing in psql, I can tell it what to do when the 
> NOTItFY is received.
> ​As far as I am aware you cannot.  The docs for psql, and its feature set, 
> with respect to LISTEN, are minimal and basically say psql will print out 
> notifications to stdout (this I'm forced to assume or read the code) and will 
> poll for notifications whenever it sends a query to the server.

I’ve tested using LISTEN and NOTIFY in psql. First I issued the LISTEN, then 
when my prompt came back, issued the NOTIFY from psql. This is an example from 
the psql docs, I believe. In any case, that the NOTIFY had occurred was 
reported in the psql window.
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-psql.html 
> <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-psql.html>
> ​"​Whenever a command is executed, psql also polls for asynchronous 
> notification events generated by LISTEN and NOTIFY."
> I suspect the feature request would be something like:
> \set NOTIFY_PROGRAM './process-notify-request.bash'  (or an equivalent 
> meta-command)
Since the database would issue the NOTIFY, not sure \set would be used, but 
otherwise, yes. Or, I may just send information about the inserted row. It 
depends on what psql would need.
> And psql would invoke said program and pass the content of the notification 
> payload to it via stdin.

I’d rather have psql know the program name to invoke, but since I don’t really 
know how all this works, I may have no choice.
> Given what we allow for "\copy" I don't see any technical or conceptual 
> problems with such a feature.  Just needs someone to be its primary author.
> David J.

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