On 31-08-2017 11:24, Glyn Astill wrote:
From: Condor <con...@stz-bg.com>
To: "pgsql-general@postgresql.org" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2017, 08:36:19 GMT+1

after a hour I get error message on slave server:

LOG:  restored log file "000000010000008B000000DC" from archive
LOG:  restored log file "000000010000008B000000DD" from archive
cp: can get attribute '/archive/000000010000008B000000DE': No such
file or directory
LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 8B/DD000000 on timeline

So it read all the log from the archive then started streaming, if
there are no futrher messages you're ok.


and after I did it, got:

STATEMENT:  SELECT pg_current_xlog_location()
ERROR:  recovery is in progress
HINT:  WAL control functions cannot be executed during recovery.

My question is: How I can check the replication status when the
does not accept connections ?

That's right for a server in recovery you need to call
pg_last_xlog_receive_location() or pg_last_xlog_replay_location() to
get the current xlog position.

but my question is how to call them when Im unable to connect with slave even when replication is over. How I can ask the slave server: Are you in recovery mode ? What is the last wal file send from master, which file you processing now ?
How far behind you ?

As I ask: My question is: How I can check the replication status when the slave does not accept connections ?

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