pinker wrote:
> I've just run pgBadger on my pg logs and wonder if those checkpoint
> statistics is something I should worry about or not?
> The highest write time is about 47 minutes but I'm not sure if that's
> checkpoint_completion_target*checkpoint_target value or real time between
> sending the command to write and getting response?
> If that's the first one - then I assume everything is ok because:
>  checkpoint_timeout = 8min
>  checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
> but I'm not sure which value it is...

I think that is fine.

if checkpoint_completion_target is 0.9, spending 0.9 * 3600 = 3240
per hour doing checkpoints would be normal.

The whole point of this parameter is to spread checkpoints across
a longer time to avoid I/O spikes.

Laurenz Albe

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