Joy Arulraj schrieb am 08.10.2017 um 13:50:
> Hi folks -- We developed a static analysis tool, called SQLCheck, for
> automatically identifying anti-patterns in SQL queries.
> Our goal is to provide hints to the developers about potential
> performance and security issues present in SQL queries. I believe
> that integrating such a tool (maybe using a special SQL clause) with
> PostgreSQL can benefit users. Feedback would be much appreciated.

Looks interesting. 

However on Windows 10 this does not seem to work. e.g.:

   sqlcheck -h

simply does nothing. The program briefly starts (I can see the title of my 
cmd.exe changed) but then exists immediately without even showing the help. 

Something like "sqlcheck -f test.sql" also shows no result at all (no error 
message, no output, nothing)


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