Victor Yegorov wrote
> Looks like `sdg` and `sdm` are the ones used most.
> Can you describe what's on those devices? Do you have WAL and DB sitting
> together?
> Where DB log files are stored?

it's multipath with the same LUN for PGDATA and pg_log, but separate one for
xlogs and archives.

mpatha  dm-4 IBM     ,2145

size=2.0T features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw

|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=active

| |- 7:0:1:2 sdg 8:96  active undef running

| `- 8:0:1:2 sdm 8:192 active undef running

`-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=0 status=enabled

  |- 7:0:0:2 sdd 8:48  active undef running

  `- 8:0:0:2 sdj 8:144 active undef running

Victor Yegorov wrote
> Can you, please, provide the output of this query (linked from the article
> mentioned):

00:26:51.226024|120 days

Victor Yegorov wrote
> And also this query:
> SELECT name,version,source FROM pg_settings WHERE source NOT IN
> ('default','override');

application_name             | client               | psql

archive_command              | configuration file   | <deleted>

archive_mode                 | configuration file   | on

autovacuum                   | configuration file   | on

autovacuum_max_workers       | configuration file   | 10

checkpoint_completion_target | configuration file   | 0.9

checkpoint_timeout           | configuration file   | 480

client_encoding              | client               | UTF8

DateStyle                    | configuration file   | ISO, MDY

default_statistics_target    | configuration file   | 350

default_text_search_config   | configuration file   | pg_catalog.english

effective_cache_size         | configuration file   | 52428800

enable_indexscan             | configuration file   | on

huge_pages                   | configuration file   | on

lc_messages                  | configuration file   | en_US.UTF-8

lc_monetary                  | configuration file   | en_US.UTF-8

lc_numeric                   | configuration file   | en_US.UTF-8

lc_time                      | configuration file   | en_US.UTF-8

listen_addresses             | configuration file   | *

log_autovacuum_min_duration  | configuration file   | 0

log_checkpoints              | configuration file   | on

log_connections              | configuration file   | on

log_destination              | configuration file   | stderr

log_directory                | configuration file   | pg_log

log_disconnections           | configuration file   | on

log_duration                 | configuration file   | off

log_filename                 | configuration file   | postgresql-%a.log

log_line_prefix              | configuration file   | %t [%p]: [%l-1]

log_lock_waits               | configuration file   | on

log_min_duration_statement   | configuration file   | 0

log_rotation_age             | configuration file   | 1440

log_rotation_size            | configuration file   | 0

log_temp_files               | configuration file   | 0

log_timezone                 | configuration file   | Poland

log_truncate_on_rotation     | configuration file   | on

logging_collector            | configuration file   | on

maintenance_work_mem         | configuration file   | 2097152

max_connections              | configuration file   | 1000

max_stack_depth              | environment variable | 2048

max_wal_senders              | configuration file   | 10

max_wal_size                 | configuration file   | 640

random_page_cost             | configuration file   | 1

shared_buffers               | configuration file   | 2097152

temp_buffers                 | configuration file   | 16384

TimeZone                     | configuration file   | Poland

track_functions              | configuration file   | all

track_io_timing              | configuration file   | off

wal_buffers                  | configuration file   | 2048

wal_keep_segments            | configuration file   | 150

wal_level                    | configuration file   | hot_standby

work_mem                     | configuration file   | 393216+

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