On 10/19/2017 4:54 PM, Igal @ Lucee.org wrote:
I want to use Postgres for a fuzzy auto-suggest search field.  As the user will be typing their search phrase, Postgres will show a list of items that fuzzy-matches what they typed so far, ordered by popularity (ntile(20)) and distance, i.e. 1 - word_similarity().

I created a Materialized View with two columns: name text, popularity int.

My query at the moment is:

    SELECT name, popularity
    FROM   temp.items3_v
          ,(values ('some phrase'::text)) consts(input)
    WHERE  true
        and word_similarity(input, name) > 0.01  -- be lenient as some names are 75 characters long and we want to match even on a few characters of input
    ORDER BY 2, input <<-> name

I tried to add a GIN trgm index on `name`:

    CREATE INDEX temp_items3_v_tgrm_item_name ON temp.items3_v USING GIN(name gin_trgm_ops);

But it is not used

What index would be good for that kind of query?

I see that when I use LIKE or ILIKE the index is used, but I lose all of the "fuzzy" benefits by doing that.

Is there any type of INDEX or even building my own COLUMN of trgm that can help speed my word_similarity() results?  When used in auto-suggest there are usually several queries for each user in a relatively short period of time, so speed is important.



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