On Thu, 2017-11-09 at 12:27 +0100, Poul Kristensen wrote:
> Hi!
> How come that Postgresql is not present in a github with latest
> release?
> It would be very convenient to deploy PG using Ansible.
> Oracle(latest release) is available through github.
> Poul

How can you say Oracle is present on github?
In the link in your last post it clearly states that "You'll need to
manually download the Oracle software and make it available to the
control-machine (either locally or on a web-server, or through a nfs-
share) before running the playbook."

As I understand it ansible is just some deployment automation?

PostgreSQL is available as binaries and sources from a lot of places,
but Oracle is not, or am I missing something here?


Nicklas Avén

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