On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 03:04:18PM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)">
> > will trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >Care to explain -- in terms a Debian newbie might grok -- what
> > >"contrib/pgcrypto" means?
> > 
> > Peter is referring to a directory in the PostgreSQL sources, not to a part
> > of a binary package. "apt-get source postgresql" and look around.
> You'll often find things like these in the /usr/share/doc/<package>/examples
> directory under Debian. There's always a few goodies in there anyway. :)

aha. there's "apt-get install postgresql-crypt" but for 7.0.3
there's no crypt yet. i'll wait. :)

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