On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 11:39:15AM -0600, Chris Jones wrote:

> No, it could be any number of other things.  The first that comes to
> mind is EINTR.  How about something closer to:

Hmm.  Actually, write(2) shouldn't return EINTR; it should return a
short read count.  But other errno values include EDQUOT and EFBIG.
So the code I suggested is not very good, either.  Better to just do:

> totalwritten = 0;
> while(totalwritten < expectedbytecount) {
>     lastwritten = write(...);
>     if(lastwritten == -1) {
>         /* errno is guaranteed to be set */
>         unlink(tmp);
>         elog(...);
>         break;
>     } else {
>         /* we got a partial write count.  No problem; try again. */
>         totalwritten += lastwritten;
>     }    
> }


[EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------------------------------
Chris Jones                                    SRI International, Inc.

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