On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Lehmeier, Michael wrote:

> Hello
> When I SELECT a row with a BOOLEAN in it I get either 't' or 'f'.
> But when I use this same value in the WHERE condition I get an error,
> because PostgreSQL demands either 'true' or 'false'.
> Example:
> testdb=# create table testtable (acolumn BOOLEAN);
> testdb=# INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (true);
> INSERT 161246 1
> testdb=# SELECT * FROM testtable;
>  acolumn 
> ---------
>  t
> (1 row)
> testdb=# SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE acolumn = t;
> ERROR:  Attribute 't' not found
> This is a real problem for me since I am currently writing on a mostly
> database independent engine. PostgreSQL would be the the first time that
> I can't write into a database what I read from it.

you mean read from a db what you wrote into it

> Is it possible to change the settings of PostgreSQL somewhere so that
> I get 'true' or 'false'?
> Thank you!

You have to give

SELECT * FROM testtable WHERE col='t';    [single quote the value]

It also works with WHERE col='true';


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