On Sat, Jun 16, 2001 at 12:41:57AM -0400, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> Actually, I just tried your original example, and it worked for me:
>         use Apache::Session::Postgres;
>         #if you want Apache::Session to open new DB handles:
>         tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', $id, {
>                 DataSource => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=sessions',
>                 UserName   => $db_user,
>                 Password   => $db_pass,
>                 Commit     => 1
>         };
> (all works fine)
> I think your problem is using wrong versions of Apache::Session. Make sure
> you upgrade to latest (1.53). You should _not_ even have had
> Session::DBIStore, its gone a long time ago.

nice catch, there, by the way. that fixed me right up.

i just wonder, as things get upgraded and phased out, we install
new copies over the old, but some of the phased-out old just sit
there, looking useful, waiting for an innocent victim to stumble
across and try something that really screws things up... maybe i
could zap any *::*.pm that haven't been accesed in the past 180
days or so?

but then when i do "perl -MCPAN -e shell" and try to install
something new, it often requires perl 5.6 which, being a debian
potato stalwart, i'm loath to join with. the debian packaging
system is good at letting you select which release of packages
to pursue (stable, testing, unstable) -- i only with CPAN had
that facility... <sigh>

I figure: if a man's gonna gamble, may as well do it
without plowing.   -- Bama Dillert, "Some Came Running"

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