Hi Tony,

PostgreSQL is *very* stable.  Individual backends can be killed off by
weird SQL queries that trigger a known bug (not very many, and always
being fixed), but that is very very rare, and nothing which 99.999% of
normal SQL queries will get even close to.

There are a few 3rd party replication products for Solaris.  The most
developed one I'm aware of is PostgreSQL Replicator

The speed issue is a matter of sizing the database & hardware correctly,
you'll probably want to speak to a Commercial Support company for this.

And for Solaris support, I'd also advise contacting one of the
Commercial Support companies :

PostgreSQL Inc.

GreatBridge LLC

In Japan, then Software Research Associates :

In Vienna, Cybertec Geschwinde &. Schvnig OEG

Further details of commercial support can be found at the PostgreSQL
Commercial Support page :


Hope this is helpful.

Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Tony Hoyt wrote:
> I'm curious how PostgreSQL compares to Oracle in terms
> of stability and speed.  My company is looking into
> alternative database software for our product but we
> need to know if it's stable enough for our needs.
>   Our current requirements list for a good Database
> software application are the following.
>  1. Stability - It can survive power outages.
>  2. Speed - We're only going to perform very basic
> read and write transactions.  Some tables are rather
> large but over all, we need a at least 200 sql
> transactions per second.
>  3. Redudency - Can we have two physical systems with
> one database being updated by the master database
> automaticly in case of failure.  This is above and
> beyond RAID.
>  4. Solaris Support - I'm already positive that
> PostgreSQL can run on Solaris, but how well is it
> supported?
>   If someone can adaquitly answer those issues for me,
> I would be extreamly greatfull.  Thank you.
>    Tony
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who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
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   - Indira Gandhi

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