I encountered the same problem.  The machine it happenned on _may_ have had
a power outage before I noticed the problem. (I know it had one a while back
when on the workbench, but I can't remember if that was before or after I'd
setup the tables)

BTW, this was a debian box, running the 7.1release-4 package.

On Sat, Aug 18, 2001 at 03:55:28PM +1000, Stephen Robert Norris wrote:
> We have a table here with a serial value in it.
> We have sets of test data that we run through a processor that changes
> a fairly large set of tables in deterministic ways.
> Sometimes (about 20%, it seems) with several of the data sets, we
> get an error trying to insert rows into the table with the serial in it.
> On investigation, it seems that the serial number has got to 101, then
> set itself back to 4, causing nextval to return 5, and there are already
> entries from 1-101.
> Now, we use the serial as the primary key, and we never explicitly set it.
> Has anyone seen anything like this? I can work around it by generating
> a serial number within the application, but that's not ideal.
> Is this another RTFM question?
>       Stephen
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Michael Samuel
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