I simply wonder, if any of the guys ever took a lesson in database design.
If I had told such wonderful ideas on foreign keys to my professor i'd been
thrown out the university imediatly.

So if I am asked wheter to tage MySQL or PostgreSQL my answer is ...
if you want to be fast and have a rather primitive db-design, only a few
concurrent users, use MySQL.
I all other cases take PostgreSQL.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Wieck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Re: MySQL's (false?) claims... (was: Re: PL/java?)

> Tom Lane wrote:
> >
> > I have no doubt that MySQL's comparison page will keep pointing to this
> > issue as a fatal limitation of PG long after it ceases to be a problem,
> > however ;-)
>     Oh  yes,  I'm pretty sure about that too. How many years took
>     it for them to understand that  transactions  are  useful  at
>     all? Now they have them and are so proud of it that they have
>     3 different table types supporting  transactions.  Well,  I'm
>     sure  if  you  mix  those  types  you'll not have any sort of
>     cross-table deadlock detection, but anyhow, that's again some
>     useless,  CPU  wasting feature because you can allways do the
>     updates in the right order so you never risk a deadlock.
>     From that I expect that it'll take them another 3-5 years  to
>     understand  what  a  foreign key beside of the "documentation
>     purpose" is good for. So far they still claim that it's a bad
>     thing  because  it  eat's performance for something you don't
>     need if you program things in the right order. How to do that
>     in  a  concurrent multiuser environment without doing exactly
>     the same lookups with the same locks in  the  application  is
>     beyond my immagination, but they say so, so the typical MySQL
>     user would surely bet the farm on it.
>     Another interesting detail is, that only their MyISAM type is
>     capable  of  (or planned for, I'm not 100% sure) hot-backups.
>     But especially that table type has no transaction support. So
>     it's  right  when they point out that you can do hot-backups,
>     which is important for 24/7 setups. And they are  right  that
>     MySQL  has  transaction  support now. They just leave out the
>     nasty little info that you cannot have transaction support in
>     24/7.
> Jan
> --
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