On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, Daniel Lundqvist wrote:

> I have a pgsql database containing DHCP lease informtation,one table for
> each month.
> As we get more and more customers there will be more rows in the tables. The
> table for august
> now contains about 2.7 million rows. There is about 5 inserts per second.
> Table definition:
> start | boolean
> ts    | timestamp
> mac   | macaddr
> port  | character varying(50)
> ip    | inet
> There are indexes on ts,mac,port and ip.
> Database is running under Linux 2.2 on a Compaq with a P3 800 and 256MB
> memory.
> Now for the problem :) I get what I think is very poor response times,about
> 90-140s to get a result when searching on ip.
> The only options I have set in postgresql.conf is:
>       wal_files = 8
>       wal_sync_method = fdatasync
> What can I do to tune this database besides memory upgrade and adding a
> additional CPU?

Have you been running vacuum analyze?  What are the queries you're running
and what does explain show for them?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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