I install PostgreSQL 7.1.3 first time and have problem.

I create table Klient with PGAccess and
- from it when I do "table open"  a see every data
- when I tried filter ID=32 I see error no column 'id'

in psql I can't do any select on table Klient
error : no Relation
command \dt show this table

then I create second table in psql klienci
when query looks like select * from klienci, select count(*) from klienci
everything is ok
but when I tried select Id, Nazwa from klienci the error apear no 'id'

what is wrong or what I'm doing incorrect?
maybe there is problem with lower and upper case
I tried also
copy klienci from '..' DELIMITER '|' was incorrect error parse error near
copy klienci from '..' delimiter '|' was correct
any ideas?

columns in table:
Id int4
Nazwa text
NIP text

Arek Malinowski

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