I need some help please,

i am having two simple tables:

# select * from sales;
 client_id | product  
         1 | toolbox  
         1 | nails    
         2 | nuts     
# select * from clients;
 id | name
  1 | peter
  2 | john
  3 | marc      

now i want to show all client name and the count of the sales in one 
table like this:

# select name, count(sales.client_id) from clients, sales where 
sales.client_id = clients.id group by name;

 name  | count
 john  |     1
 peter |     2      

works fine, but where is marc??? it should look like

 name  | count
 john  |     1
 peter |     2
 marc  |     0

who can i make it work??? i think i know why my select statement 
doesnt work, because of the where clause marc will never join this 
table because the condition will never be true... but how can i do 

i guess its very very simple, but i just cant manage it. 

thanks in advance

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