just add a unique constraint on the things you want to be unique...
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001 14:37:09 -0600, Glenn Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Greetings,
> I need to check a table to see if an item already exist in the table.
> It if does not, then I want to add it.  Unfortunately, multiple processes
> (Solaris system) can be running at the same time.  Sometimes, one process
> checks to see if an item exist and it does not. At the same time another
> process checks to see if the same item exist and it does not.  Then both,
> add the item to the table.  This is, of course, not what I want.
> I cannot seem to figure out how to do a conditional test to do something
> like this.  If I could, then the whole operation could fit in one transaction
> with locking.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Glenn
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Aasmund Midttun Godal

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