> I am just beginning to investigate schemas, and have run into a
> problem.  Searching the mailing lists and documentation doesn't help.
> This is 7.3.3 on Linux, kernel 2.4.21, good ole Slackware, compiled
> from source.
> Two users, JoeBob and MaryJo.  JoeBob has schema xyzzy with table
> plugh.  JoeBob has run
>     GRANT SELECT on xyzzy.plugh TO public;
> JoeBob and MaryJo can both show permissions:
>     joebob=> \z zyzzy.*
>     Access privileges for database "joebob"
>      Schema | Table  | Access privileges
>     --------+--------+--------------------
>      xyzzy  | plugh  | {=r,joebob=arwdRxt}
> JoeBob can do anything with the table, that works.  But MaryJo can't
> even select:
>     joebob=> select * from xyzzy.plugh;
>     ERROR:  xyzzy: permission denied
> It sure looks like the schema itself is invisible to MaryJo, but
> MaryJo can run \dt xyzzy.* perfectly fine.

I think there is a "greant usage on schema" type statement that you
probably need.

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