Title: how to fix missing chunk number 0?


Migrating PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2.

I'm trying to dump my tables and have ran into a
severe problem.  When I try to pg_dump tables,
they fail and I get an error:


pg_dump: query to obtain definition of view "t_ref_hedis_ce" failed:
ERROR:  missing chunk number 0 for toast value 2085599783


The problem is, I can't look at the pg_toast_2085599783 because
it doesn't exist (as per the suggestions at groups.google.com).
I can not vacuum or otherwise try to drop the view because
I get the same error.  At the same time, I looked in the
~/pgsql/data/base/19643563/<OID> and saw that the OID
was gone.  I *touched* a new one and gave it postgres:postgres
ownership and tried to drop it again.

I got the same error as above.

How can I fix this?  I really need to pg_dump some data
in order to move it.



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