On 26 Jun 2003 at 3:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 03:17:12AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > wrote:
> >> > I have a table with 13 fields. Is that
> >> > too many fields for one table.
> >> > Mark
> >> Thirteen? No way. I've got you beat with 21:
> > Pfft! Is *that* all?  I've got a table with 116 fields.
> I *knew* a number of these responses would be forthcoming... :)

I remember somebody posting a database schema with 500 fields.

Don't worry as long as it works. When you have problems, post it on 
performance. First advice you would get is to normalize it..:-)


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stardate 1514.2

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