
fairly new to postgres admin stuff......

i have a production machine that is running postgresql 7.1.3
also, there's a test machine which already had 7.0.3, and which i newly
installed 7.3.3

so, i dumped all the databases from the production db and reloaded on the
there was a few problems but only small ones and i sorted them out ok, but
one of the databases has large objects in it, so the dumpall wont dump the
large objects,
so, i made a dump of the db with large objects

pg_dump -b -Fc -f /var/lib/pgsql/backups/mydblo_dump mydblo

this went fine,
then i created the db using

createdb -T template0 mydblo

then, i try to restore on the test machine using

pg_restore -Fc -d mydblo mydblo_dump

to which i get the error

pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  Load of file
/usr/lib/pgsql//plpgsql.so failed: /usr/lib/pgsql//plpgsql.so: undefined
symbol: fmgr_pl_finfo

is there something wrong with my pg_restore command or is there some mix up
that its looking at variabels from the old version of the db?

i've tried

pg_restore -Fc -f mydblo_dump -d mydblo

but that just starts and does nothing for ages, and i have to kill the job

thanks for any ideas,


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