On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 04:07, Csaba Nagy wrote:
> This feature is often requested because it's very useful, especially in

Amen!  Give the app developer the opportunity to travel down a different
code path if s/he tries, for example, to insert a duplicate key.

> The main reason why this feature is painful to implement in Postgres is
> the lack of nested transactions. Until they are not implemented, chunk
> your error prone transactions as small as you can, filter out invalid
> data, and be prepared to repeat the cycle.

Lack of nested transactions should not be a barrier.  The RDBMS that
I use professionally (Rdb/VMS) does not have nested transactions,
yet it and Oracle do the same thing: return an error code and allow
the app to decide what to do.

Yes, many times that will be to rollback the transaction, but it
might also be to change the data and try the statement again.

Let the developer decide!!!

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