--- Terence Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have the following questions. Please reply me
> offline, so the mailling
> list won't get flood. Thanks!

But if they don't read it, they can't correct me!

> 1. What is your favorite GUI tool for PostgreSQL?
I create apps using MS Access as the GUI front-end.
For administration, I use scripts and the command

> 2. In your organization, do you have someone who
> works as full time
> PostgreSQL DBA?
No. We wear a lot of hats around here.

> 3. What is the biggest challenge you have with
> PostgreSQL? Administration or
> Programming?
Programming -- if I were a Programmer or a DBA, I
could do more.  A solid database, a solid operating
system and a little scripting make day-to-day
administration easy enough.

> 4. Overall, do you like PostgreSQL? Would you
> recommend it over MySQL?
Yes, and yes.  MySQL has a reputation for ease of
administration; however, I moved from MySQL to
PostgreSQL because missing features in MySQL meant
difficult work-arounds for users.  Also, the \help
system in psql is very useful for people learning SQL.
  As an end-user, I found PostgreSQL easier to use
than MySQL.

> 5. How often do your PostgreSQL run into problem or
> crash? Are most of the
> problem caused by PostgreSQL itself?
At work, I haven't had any unplanned down time since I
started using PostgreSQL over 3 years ago.  At home, I
had a hard drive crash; but the databases were
restored from backup files without any problems.
Dependable backups should _not_ be taken for granted!

Best regards,

Andrew Gould

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