You need to convert the int's to bigints.

select id where col1 = 1::bigint and col2 = 1::bigint


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim McAuley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 13:46:46 
Subject: [GENERAL] Unused Indexes


I have a table which I have populated with over 5000 entries. There is a 
combined  index placed on two of the columns (both bigint). I am trying 
a simple select (i.e. select id where col1 = 1 and col2 = 1) covering 
these  two columns and it keeps using a seq scan. Is this correct? I 
would have thought that with this number of entries that an index scan 
should be used.

I am testing this using postgresql 7.3.3 on windows 2000 using cygwin.

Doing "set enable_seqscan to off" does not change the results of the 
explain operation.

I also tried setting a single index on just one of the columns and 
running an appropriate search; it still uses a seq scan. At what stage 
will the planner normally start using an index scan?

Any hints appreciated.


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