I am running into a problem with using contrib/fulltext on several tables.
Here's the details...

I have one sql script which drops everything and recreates the database
structure, then populates it with some test data.  In this script I create
tables a,b and c and setup the triggers for fulltext indexing (as well as
associated tables for the index data).

Later in the script when inserting into these tables via stored procedures,
the full text indexes get created for a and b but not c.  It's just empty.

If I just have a and c setup in the script, they both work.  Same for a and
b.  It seems to be a problem with b and c.

Something else that is odd is I can then call the Insert stored procedure
for c and it's index doesn't get created. However, if I exit and reenter the
psql client app, THEN run the Insert stored procedure, the index is created
just fine.

I've tried breaking it into two scripts (one for db structure and one for
test data) but it still doesn't do the indexing on c.

Any Ideas?

I apologize for the length,

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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