Andrew Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I disagree.  Triggering a vacuum on a db that is nearly saturating the
>> disk bandwidth has a significant impact.

> Vivek is right about this.  If your system is already very busy, then
> a vacuum on a largish table is painful.

> I don't actually think having the process done in real time will
> help, though -- it seems to me what would be more useful is an even
> lazier vacuum: something that could be told "clean up as cycles are
> available, but make sure you stay out of the way."  Of course, that's
> easy to say glibly, and mighty hard to do, I expect.

I'd love to be able to do that, but I can't think of a good way.

Just nice'ing the VACUUM process is likely to be counterproductive
because of locking issues (priority inversion).  Though if anyone cares
to try it on a heavily-loaded system, I'd be interested to hear the

                        regards, tom lane

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