There are different datatypes and does odbc supports arrays ?

"Dennis Gearon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
It might be possible to use an array.

Ivar wrote:

>It all depends what soft are you doing.
>There is for example material card function.
>It it designed so bad that it has more than 32 ars.
>Why must split this function if behind UI I use it as single function for
>adding updateing material ???
> RETURNS void AS '
> @DocAction         ALIAS FOR $1;
>                                -- 1 - Load Document
>                                -- 2 - Update Header
>                                -- 3 - New Document
>                                -- 4 - Document Delete
> @SessionID         ALIAS FOR $2;  -- Session ID
> @LockID            ALIAS FOR $3;  -- Lock ID
> @Lang              ALIAS FOR $4;  -- Language
> @DocID             ALIAS FOR $5;  -- Material Parameter ID
> @AltG              ALIAS FOR $6;  -- 1 kui valitakse Funtsionaalse
>Grupeeringu alusel
> @NoData            ALIAS FOR $7;  -- 1, Kui eii vC?ljastata andmeid
> @ProductUpd        ALIAS FOR $8;  -- 1, Kui avatakse korrigeerimiseks
>tootekirjelduse alt
> @StocCode          ALIAS FOR $9;  -- Ladu
> @MainGroupCode     ALIAS FOR $10;  -- PeaGrupp
> @SubGroupCode      ALIAS FOR $11;  -- AlaGrupp
> @ExtraGroupCode    ALIAS FOR $12;  -- TC?iendav Grupp
> @AltMainGroupCode  ALIAS FOR $13;  -- Funtsionnalne PeaGrupp
> @AltSubGroupCode   ALIAS FOR $14;  -- Funtsionnalne AlaGrupp
> @AltExtraGroupCode ALIAS FOR $15;  -- Funtsionnalne TC?iendav Grupp
> @MatCode           ALIAS FOR $16;  -- Kood
> @Suffix            ALIAS FOR $17;  -- Positsioon
> @BarCode           ALIAS FOR $18;  -- Triipkood
> @MatName           ALIAS FOR $19;  -- Nimetus
> @MeasureUnit       ALIAS FOR $20;  -- MUUtC?hik
> @InPackage         ALIAS FOR $21;  -- C?hikut Pakis
> @CurrencyCode      ALIAS FOR $22;  -- Valuuta
> @EtalonPrice       ALIAS FOR $23;  -- EtalonHind
> @Discount          ALIAS FOR $24;  -- Soodustus
> @NullPrice         ALIAS FOR $25;  -- NullHind
> @NullPrice_VAT     ALIAS FOR $26;  -- NullHind KM-ga
> @CostPlusPercent   ALIAS FOR $27;  -- Juurdehindlus %
> @VATPercent        ALIAS FOR $28;  -- KC?ibemaksu %
> @NotInPriceList    ALIAS FOR $29;  -- 1, Kui ei kuulu hinnakirja
> @Closed            ALIAS FOR $30;  -- 1, Kui on Suletud
> @Product           ALIAS FOR $31;  -- 1, Kui on Toode
> @Warranty          ALIAS FOR $32;  -- Garantii tekst
> @Info              ALIAS FOR $33;  -- Info
> @MatDebit          ALIAS FOR $34;  -- Materjali Konto
> @KASTIS            ALIAS FOR $35;  --,@KASTIS   numeric(18,3) =NULL   -- 
>C?hikut Kastis (Konteineris)
>"Dennis Gearon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>Ivar wrote:
>>>I don't see why default is so small.
>>>"Joe Conway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>>>>Ivar wrote:
>>>>>For my supprise I found that functions have 32 parameter limit.
>>>>>Where to find more info about this limitation or similar limitations ?
>>>>>I need at least 50, 100 would be ok.
>>>>See INDEX_MAX_KEYS defined in src/include/
>>>>(pg_config_manual.h in postgres 7.4). Change to 64 or whatever and
>>>>recompile. But note that you'll need to dump, initdb, and reload your
>>>>data. Also note that there are performance and disk usage tradeoffs -- 
>>>>search the mailing list archives from August 2002 for some test results
>>>>and discussion.
>>>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>>>>TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if
>>>>     joining column's datatypes do not match
>>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>>>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
>>32 is small? I've never designed a function with more than 12-18, at teh
>>MOST, arguments.
>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>>TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>>    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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