So you probabaly want to do somethign like this:

pg_autovacuum -d2 -s1 -S0 -v10 -V0 -a10 -A0 -L pg_autovacuum.out

this will set debug=2, sleep only 1 sec after each look, and perform
vacuums and analyzes after only 10 insert/update/delets and log it all to

Run your update script

Kill pg_autovacuum

bzip the logfile and send it to the mailing list (or just to me if you
prefer).  Also a copy of your script might help.


Ok I ran pg_autovacuum using the supplied command line and have attached the resulting log. My script is just INSERT INTO "PointUsage" VALUES(DEFAULT,32,now(),1024); repeated several thousand times. I ran autovac, then my script, then verified all of the rows were inserted then ran DELETE FROM "PointUsage" WHERE "Value" = 1024; to kill all of the new rows, and then killed autovac. The results are attached.

Thank you very much for taking the time to look at this for me.

--- Adam Kavan

Attachment: pg_autovacuum.out.bz2
Description: Binary data

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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