On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Vivek Khera wrote:

> >>>>> "AR" == Andrew Rawnsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> AR> Anyone out there using beta 2 in production situations? Comments on
> AR> stability? I am rolling out a project in the next 4 weeks, and really
> AR> don't want to go though an upgrade soon after its released on an
> AR> Unsuspecting Client, so I would LIKE to start working with 7.4.
> I'm pondering doing the same, but I'm not 100% sure there won't be any
> dump/restore-required changes to it before it goes gold.  From my
> tuning tests I've been running on it, it appears to be extremely fast
> and stable.

Yeah, right now it's looking like the only thing you'll have to do is 
reindex hash indexes between beta2 and beta3.

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