Oops! [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Nigel J. Andrews") was seen spray-painting on a wall:
> I've not looked at many RPMs but I must say that the few I have have
> never been relocatable. Can the postgresql RPMs not be made
> relocatable?

Unfortunately, relocation would have to include the init scripts, and
that would be pretty hairy.  The notion of "relocatable RPMs" came up
early in its design, but the only case where that will be particularly
usable is if the components are mostly binaries that only make
relative path references.  That situation is unusual, to say the
wm(X,Y):-write(X),write('@'),write(Y). wm('aa454','freenet.carleton.ca').
MICROS~1 is not the answer.
MICROS~1 is the question.
NO (or Linux) is the answer.

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