
i am developing with version 7.3.2 under cygwin. my production evironment is 7.3.3 on a suse machine.
language settings (lc_...) for the server are on developing and production machine the same, 'C'.
now i encoutered the following behaviour. i use a union select to unify a query result with an ' (all)' entry.
i used at home a space on first character to ensure this entry will be on top if i am ordering by the column.
it works in developing environment but it doesnt in production. in production i got a ordering result wich ignores special chars like my whitespace and the '(' and the all entry so comes for example after 'akk' and before 'amm'.
i dont want to have it this way!
did i miss any setting option to change this behaviour?
or do i need something like a workaround (adding another column, for axample adding values like 0 for my special entrys and 1 for all others so i can sort by this solumn too, to get my result?)

thanx for your help

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