> It's complaining that it cannot find a driver. The obvious steps are:
>  1. Check you have your JDBC driver installed and configured.

Yes.  I have done so.  Included in the Classpath env var as well.  I have
gone so far as to downloading it from jdbc.postgresql.org rather than
using the compiled one I have.  Still no luck.

>  2. Check you can connect using it.

Via a test program?  Done, no luck.. Same ol same ol..

>  3. Check it is in the relevant PATH

Besides the Classpath, does it need to be in the Path as well?  If so, no
I havent added it in, but will do so if its required.

> How far along this process have you got?

I am actually to the point of pulling teeth, cause I have added every jar
file I can think of and find in the classpath, re-installed everything and
still the case remains the same.  I am guessing its just not finding it
due to some foolish little quirk I am missing some place.  I even have tcp_ip
turned on btw in postgres to accept connections both from the box itself
and another machine through which I am using pgadmin and connecting fine.

> If you've done all those, we'll have to figure out why it can't find the
> driver.

I thought and still under the impression that its looking in the classpath
for this and I have edited /etc/profile to include it, checked env before
running the program and it according to it the jar file is included fine
and the classpath does have it; but still nothing.  Checked file
permissions on the jar file and its fine as well.  I have made changes to
the user's bash_profile as well to see if its a user related issue and
still nothing.  Su'ed in as root and tried it out and yet nothing.  Its
like for some reason the file just cant be found.

Any ideas and assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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