I have a table that II am constantly inserting into (around 10 times a second right now but hope to increase latter). I hold these rows for a week then summarize and delete them. During that week I need to access ranges of these rows based on a timestamp in each row set to now() when I insert them. I have this column indexed but if I let the system run after a few weeks it can take a fairly long time to get information from this table (for instance the avg() of inserted values in the last 5 minuets could take over a minuet to calculate). If I run CLUSTER on the index of the time stamps my time to do this drops down to under 5 seconds again. I checked the plan being used by explain analyze and orginally it was always doing seqscans so I set enable_seqscan = FALSE just before I run this query, this forces it to use the index and speeds it up quite a bit.

Does anyone know a way I can reorder the database without doing a CLUSTER? It stops all insertions into the table and takes several minuets during which time a large backlog builds up. Or should I be using some other method of speeding up the table?

--- Adam Kavan

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