Greg Stark wrote:

Ron St-Pierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

This is not quite what I need. I need to create a constraint to allow only
-one- of
company<->association<->default(=true) value
but any number of
company<->association<->default(=false) values

So a unique index on "(company,association) where default" doesn't do what you want?

No it doesn't. For example, after I create the unique index I can still input:
company10 association7 true
company10 association7 true
company10 association7 true
I want to prevent this from happening, but still allow multiple
company10 association7 false
company10 association7 false
entries for example.

The idea of using NULLs is a good idea, but this is a production database and would require changes to the web-based front end (7 of them), not to mention each database. That's why I want to change the behaviour to only allow one unique company<-->association<-->TRUE combination. Right now there are a number of companies which have multiple default associations in the database, so I am going to have to back-trace and find out which association is actally the correct default.

BTW I am using postgresql 7.3.4


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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