[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Corey W. Gibbs") writes:
> Just curious what problems, if any, have you had compiling/using Posgres on 
> an AIX system.  Up until  now, my main experience with PG has been on Linux 
> systems, and I was just wondering what differences there are in using the 
> software on an AIX system.

There is a FAQ...  doc/FAQ_AIX

I have found AIX to be not terribly fun when trying to compile custom
C modules to link into PostgreSQL; it hasn't yet solidified into a
"general procedure," and if you aren't using custom stuff, that may
not be terribly relevant.

The "user space" on AIX feels a fair bit different from Linux but it
isn't self-evident that this 'bites' the use of PostgreSQL.  The
default shell is ksh-based, rather than Bash-based, but that isn't
particularly relevant to PG...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="libertyrms.info" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
Christopher Browne
(416) 646 3304 x124 (land)

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