The documentation needs to be opened up and interlinked a lot more. For instance, one of the things that makes the PHP site work well, is linking to related functions at the end of each function's description, eg:

However, check our PG documentation page about the "CREATE SEQUENCE" command:

That would be a prime page for linking to the sequence manupulation functions. So as a result of this omission, we get many basic sequence questions on the mailing list again and again. Now we would be forced over to Google, if the internal search engine was not working. Assume I am a newbie wanting to know how to get the last value for a sequence.. I would type "last inserted value" into the search engine... In this particular case, I got back no results.

Lets face it, Postgresql is great, but the docs are not. PHP was easy to learn because of great function reference, interlinking (leads to feature discovery) and excellent user contributed tips which are edited. To this day, I still refer to my Postgresql Manual, because it is actually faster to find information that way instead of on the website. On the other hand, I never have to refer to a PHP dead tree manual.

In my humble opinion, here's what the documentation needs to make the uptake of Postgresql better:
* A separate page for every Postgresql function
* Interlinking between related functions
* Interlinking between SQL Commands pages and function pages
* More examples of Pl/pgSQL functions
* A custom search engine to address the above -- not just sitewide search
* More encouragement of user posting to each manual page
* Comprehensive migration section (Oracle => PG, MySQL =>PG), not just Pl/pgSQL examples!

I dunno, maybe as users of Postgresql, we could pool together some money ($50 each as a new year present), and get the PHP documentation guys to help us out? They might be more inclined to, since they are dropping MySQL from inclusion in PHP. My first $50 is ready to go if someone organizes this stuff and gives me a Paypal email address to send funds to. Everyone here has a vested interest in Postgresql (heck, my job depends on it).

Let's give the documentation writers an applause, but at this point, it really needs to move to the next level folks. Now let me get back to migrating to 7.4 :-)

Warmest regards, Ericson Smith
Tracking Specialist/DBA
| | "When I'm paid, I always |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | follow the job through. |
| 516-255-0500 | You know that." -Angel Eyes|

Dave Cramer wrote:


Oh, there it is, in tiny print.

On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 15:03, Keith C. Perry wrote:

Quoting Dave Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I agree; we have an apparent lack of awareness of many things. IMO this
is more indicative of a lack of a unified presence than anything else.
part of the project is on gborg, part of the project is on advocacy,
.... etc.

How would a newbie know to go look for ?.

On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 10:18, Jeff Eckermann wrote:

This has been an interesting thread, with lots of well
considered contributions.  The consensus seems to be
"PostgreSQL is plenty good enough and more, we just
need more people to know it, and an easier learning

What bothers me a little here is an apparent lack of
awareness of the work of the Advocacy Group.  They
have been organized for a little over one full release
cycle, but have already begun to achieve some
impressive things.  The release of version 7.4 saw a
well prepared press release, which was subsequently
picked up by journalists and featured (often lifted
word for word) in articles in a variety of IT industry
publications around the world.  The effect was to get
our marketing material in front of the eyes of many
readers, without them having to go looking for it at
all.  When did that happen before?

I cite that as just one example of what can be
achieved by an organized and co-ordinated approach,
which is just what the Advocacy Group is working on. The scope for more development along these lines is
huge, all that is needed is the passage of time, and
hopefully more contributions from more people. I
recommend to all those whose interest was caught by
this thread to check out the pgsql-advocacy list, if
you have not already done so, and think about what you
might be able to add. In answer to the obvious
question, I have been lurking on that list for a
while, and intend to make a contribution where I feel
fitted to do so.

Maybe we need to invent some new solutions, but for
advocacy at least, we already have one.

--- Ericson Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A documentation system like the one over at, would be fantastic for Postgresql. There could be lookups
based on SQL commands, Functions, and Sitewide Searches. This alone would
go a long way to expose PHP to "the masses".

In terms of using MySQL or Postgresql, lets all face
it, most data storage work could be easily and efficiently handled
by text files, since there needs to be just infrequent inserts and
updates, and mostly reads. The majority of interfaces exposed on the web
follow this paradigm, and include:
* Content management
* Catalogs
* Shopping cart stuff
* User management

Yes, our powerful and easy to use PG can do all of
that too, but SQLite, Sleepycat DBM files and MySQL can do it as well.
There are going to be even more migrations for Oracle to MySQL than from
Oracle to PG, because so many of those Oracle installations were overkill
in the first place. Our place is in that hoary back end that runs the
world, the un-sexy part of any organization that no one outside of the
Development team, or System Administrators know about.

Getting mindshare is a different problem. That
requires PG to have a full time effective press person. This press person
would need to be in touch with the press constantly to tell them things
* PG is a great back for windows clients using
ODBC/MS Access/Excel
* PG is a "real" database comparable to Oracle
* PG costs nothing
* Free support is fabulous, and paid support is
* Development is constant

In the end, I believe that PG needs to move into an
organizational structure so that its considerable assets can be
fully realized, its wonderful developers may be fully compensated, and
commercial users (our bread and butter), can have an official place to
help sponsor features of the system and so on. All this is more than a
website. Someone posted pictures of the PG booth at a show recently. It was
nice, but there was this one sad guy shrouded in darkness -- I felt
depressed, because that's how PG advocacy felt.

Warm regards, Ericson Smith


| | "When I'm paid, I always |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | follow the job through. |
| 516-255-0500 | You know that." -Angel


Karsten Hilbert wrote:

I'm in a similar situation. My app is currently

PG-only (although I

_might_ be able to get it work with Firebird

eventually). Currently I have

to sell Linux to prospective clients in addition

to my app. A native

Windows version would make my life a bit easier.

Same here.

Our "clients" use legacy medical office software

that 99% runs

on Windows. We offer add-ons (tailored

mini-versions of our

main application :-) and thus get OSS (Python,


wxWindows, sometimes Linux itself) into their

offices and onto

their networks. Most of the time the main

difficulty is to figure

out how to offer PostgreSQL in their environment

(yes, we know

about CygWin).

("clients" because we don't do business as in

selling stuff)

Karsten Hilbert, MD


fn:Ericson Smith
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title:Web Developer
note:Nothing special!

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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Dave Cramer
519 939 0336
ICQ # 1467551

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


I'm not trying to be curt with you or anything but a serious questions, did you
not see the links on the right side of under where it
says websites?

fn:Ericson Smith
adr:#304;;55 Maple Avenue;Rockville Center;NY;11570;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Web Developer
note:Nothing special!

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?


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