Actually, I've gotta admit I don't take my own advice. I deployed a PHP company directory for a small company (to small to make the MS Exchange mistake) and it was deployed on MySQL, then about 2 weeks after completion I moved it over to OpenLDAP :)

C'est la Vie :)


Hehe, yea those infamous Access "Apps".

Even though I use PG for everything, I know that MySQL is probably fine for most
web site servering up what I would call "lightweight dynamic content". My
experience has taught me that most organizations will grow fairly quickly to the
point of needing something on the level with PG. So, you can do it now
"properly" (with PG or something similar) or migrate it later (MySQL, Access, et
al). If someone really wanted MySQL for something "light", I'm pretty sure I
would not have a problem putting someone on that project. What I would not do
is commit a consultant to something that has all the markings of being a bear to
deploy and maintain.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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