
Tom Lane wrote, On 12/30/2003 11:06 PM:
BTW, 7.4 also has a specialized index opclass that can be used to create
LIKE-compatible indexes even if you are using a non-C locale.

I do some tests: PostgreSQL 7.4.1 on a varchar(255) column: #CREATE INDEX crossref_oidx ON crossref (cr_origmark varchar_pattern_ops); #ANALYZE crossref;

#EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from crossref where cr_origmark ilike 'gie%'
Seq Scan on crossref  ...

#EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from crossref where cr_origmark like 'GIE%';
Index Scan using crossref_oidx on crossref ...

#EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from crossref where cr_origmark ilike 'GIE%';
Seq Scan on crossref  ...

#EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * from crossref where cr_origmark like upper('gie%');
Index Scan using crossref_oidx on crossref ...

In case of ilike, index is not used :(
If like used the condition is:
Index Cond: (((cr_origmark)::text ~>=~ 'GIE'::character varying) AND ((cr_origmark)::text ~<~ 'GIF'::character varying))

However ilike use the old way:
Filter: ((cr_origmark)::text ~~* 'GIE%'::text)

is this bug, or this is the right way?


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