Perhaps a combination of those settings is what did it?

Maybe --- what was the failure message exactly, once you got it?

Managed to fix it before I got any errors actually. Simple enough to re-break it however:

FATAL: max_fsm_pages must exceed max_fsm_relations * 16

Looks like I was 60000 short on my 100000 max_fsm_pages setting for a max_fsm_relations of 10000. Anyway, the error message was a good one, I just couldn't get to it last night.

Also, if you hand-edited these settings, it's fair to ask what
the port package defaults are ...

Sounds fair to me, IIRC: max_connections = 100 shared_buffers = 1000 max_fsm_relations = 1000 max_fsm_pages = 20000 sort_mem = 1024 vacuum_mem = 8192


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