Hello Bob!
Everybody knows that PostgreSQL is better than MySQL and supports more
features etc. But remember - the main issue of database systems now is
web that is being build mainly by students that do not even know what
database engines are made for. At least here (My second job is
Instructor in Unix/Linux/etc.) and i know that the main thing that is
required by students is Linux with apache and MySQL. And the strange
thing - students are always starting learning from Network
Administration or Linux in Enterprise course, but real administrators
who is working with systems for 10-15 years are starting from
Introduction into unix systems.
Here in Russia almost all web design companies using MySQL, on all
hosting systems owners asking to install MySQL for their users etc.
MySQL is everywhere. 
So, who will work with PG? Only people registered here :)) Maybe a few
more. So it is normal that MySQL beats PG on the market.
I have Oracle, PostgreSQL servers, used to work with DB2 on AS/400 and
personaly i know that PG is better than MySQL. But who will tell it to
students who saw a computer twice and already think that they are
administrators? :))))
Please do not kill me for this post - i like PG and working with
PG and developing for PG, i was talking just about what happening
around. To make PG known there should be more and more products that
relay on PG. And this should be not Banking or other mission critical
projects. It should be a simple forums, picture bases i do not know
what but the things that should be installable for 3 minutes and
working for years. Otherwise if PG is positioning itself as a DB
system for huge and mission critical tasks - nobody here should think
about MySQL that was simple and will be simple when PG is being
installed for tasks where MySQL will never work and nobody will ever
think it will.


BP> To whom it may concern:

BP> I find the recent articles in various trade publications a little
BP> disturbing due to the lack of PostgrSQL mention.  I continue to see
BP> articles about how IBM may be considering MYSQL for development an
BP> open_source web database. 

BP> Why isn't PostgreSQL being considered or talked about by major industry
BP> giants?  As a DBA I know that Postgres is far superior to MYSQL but if
BP> the industry directs it's energies towards open-source database this
BP> coming year I think somehow PostgreSQL needs to be represented better. 

BP> Bob Powell

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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