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Lamar Owen wrote:

| On Monday 02 February 2004 10:54 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
|>Gaetano Mendola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|>>Is someone taking care about the fact that the pgdb.py shipped with
|>>7.4.1 is the wrong version?
|>There is no pgdb.py in the core PG 7.4.* releases.  I suppose you
|>are talking about a packaging error in the RPM distribution.  Lamar Owen
|>would be the man to talk to about that ... Lamar, any thoughts about
| Well, my first instinct is to throw out the python client RPM
entirely.  Then
| package the python client in a separate RPM.  My original plan was not to
| ship a python subpackage at all, but then I had a spec file change
| contributed that kept the python client in.  So I went that direction;
| principle of least surprise and all.  But I am not at all attached to
| it; likewise, the JDBC stuff could easily be moved to a completely
| RPM instead of a subpackage.

Is it not too late drop the python client RPM for the version 7.4 ? Anyway the version pgdb.py in rpm with the version 7.3.2 is the good one, I don't know where you get the wrong pgdb.py pre 7.3.2, isn't this file in any CVS ?

Gaetano Mendola

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