On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 09:50:31AM -0700, scott.marlowe wrote:
> you would still be wholly bound by the GPL.  I.e. all the code you write 
> that connects to MySQL would therefore have to be GPL'd.  I.e. it does 
> nothing to fix the licensing problems that have been brought up.

I know that's what MySQL claims, but (a) I can't see any plausible
interpretation of the GPL which makes that enforcable; and (b)
assuming someone really did fork, I can't see how MySQL's reading of
the GPL would be relevant (since you'd no longer be using MySQL, but
YourSQL or whatever it was called).


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The fact that technology doesn't work is no bar to success in the marketplace.
                --Philip Greenspun

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