On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Jeff Bohmer wrote:

> I have a table in a PG 7.4.1 database with 380 duplicate rows, 
> including duplicate oid and primary key values.  Looking through our 
> backups, the duplicates did not exist before Friday, 02/06/2004.  I'm 
> assuming neither pg_dumpall nor restoring from a pg_dumpall file will 
> eliminate such duplicates.  We upgraded from 7.3.4 to 7.4.1 on 
> 02/02/2004.
> What can cause these duplicates?
> The server has had several system crashes over the past few days and weeks.

Check your hardware.  bad memory, bad cpu, or bad hard drives can cause 
these problems.  Postgresql, like most databases, expects the hardware to 
operate without errors.

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